Flows available for every form of high school debate

Flexcel has the platform to flow Lincoln Douglas, Public Forum and Policy Debate.

Highly customizable

Make your own custom autocomplete shortcuts, flow order and format.

What our users say

u/Newhoustonguy [Cinco Ranch RT]

"y'all Flexcel is the real deal, it actually is really helpful if you want to do flowing on a computer. In the past it's been that if your a judge, computer flowing was better, but if your competing, paper is better. Flexcel is actually making it super tempting to switch to computer. stuff like easy switchover from flow to speech doc is features that we didn't have before. good stuff flexcel!"


"Their support staff is great, and got back to me within hours! Thanks to Flexcel im considering finally switching from Excel, which I have used for years!"


"This is great for paperless debate!..."


Premier Debate - An Institute for Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Premier Debate’s mission is to inspire excellence by empowering debaters to think critically and push the boundaries of their education. They run summer camps for high school debaters, provide coaching during the season, and host online resources for debaters during the season, including topic briefs, which reach thousands of debaters around the country.

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